“Our community with one another consists solely in what Christ has done to both of us. This is true not merely at the beginning, as though in the course of time something else were to be added to our community; it remains so for all the future and to all eternity. I have community with others and I shall continue to have it only through Jesus Christ.”
Netzer exists to facilitate regional expressions of the Church.
We do this through three avenues as we embrace oneness and pursue unity in the midst of diversity: Church for Church Leaders (cohorts), One Church Initiatives, and Equipping the Church.
To see the gospel of Jesus transform cities and towns across southeastern Pennsylvania and beyond through connected, healthy, mutually-edifying expressions of Regional Church.
Netzer is a Hebrew word that means shoot or branch. Netzer carries the idea of new life coming from ancient roots.
To connect, strengthen, and collaboratively mobilize leaders, congregations, and ministries of the Regional Church for the glory of God and the advancement of the gospel of Christ Jesus.
…to know Him more deeply and to see our world come spiritually awake to His presence. We believe this starts with reformation of His Church and renewal in the hearts of His people. In line with Jesus' prayer for His followers to become one with Him and each other in John 17, our ache emerges among us as a common prayer. It is a spiritual groaning for God's children to rise up in Him and to come together as His living temple.
…that there is truly only one Church. The LORD is one and cannot be divided. We lay hold to the truth that we are one in Him. We may not fully know how that is possible today, but we wait with hope and pray for the new growth of this oneness in our generation. We believe that Jesus is truly able to make us one in Him.
… that we are one Church. Knowing that the individual parts of the Body of Christ are only as helpful as the ligaments that bind them together, our first priorities are to worship Him together, and to know and bless one another. Like band musicians listening to the other instruments more than their own in order to form beautiful harmony, we come together as church leaders across our regions listening to God together and caring for one another. Our desire is to be a beautifully diverse and gloriously unified Church. In this way, we offer the people we serve our most valuable contribution: honest, prayerful, inter-dependent modeling of oneness as members of Jesus' very own covenant community. We believe that this is the practice of what we preach and the display of what we offer. This is church leaders being the Church.