Support and Partner


Netzer is an IRS recognized 501(c)3. All donations are tax deductible. If you would like to financially invest in the ministry of Netzer, you can do so in THREE different ways...

Direct Withdrawal

ACH Debit Authorization
from your Bank Account.

Download and fill out this Authorization Form.
100% goes directly to Netzer and is recurring.

Print and mail to:
P.O. Box 8 Parker Ford, PA 19457
Save and email to:

Physical Check

Mail checks to: 
P.O. Box 8 Parker Ford, PA 19457
Please make checks out directly to NETZER.
100% goes directly to Netzer.

Donate Online

Note that up to 3.7% + $0.30 will be subtracted from your donation for Donor Box fees. Venmo also has processing fees. Please consider supplementing your donation amount or using one of the other methods mentioned above.

Let’s Stay in Touch