Before The Booth

During politically divisive times, this collaborative series aims to align the soul of the Church with the heart of Jesus.

Sixteen pastors and ministry leaders—women and men, folks from the Gen-Z, Millennial, Gen-X, and Baby Boomer generations, Black, White, Asian-American, and Latino, representing ten churches from various denominations and six parachurch ministries operating in the greater Pottstown, Pennsylvania, area—each provide their perspective on timeless biblical principles aimed at helping to align the soul of the church with the heart of Jesus during this politically divisive time.

D. Jay Martin (editor) serves as the Pastor of Leadership and Vision at Parker Ford Church in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Julie, have four beautiful children and a puppy. Their home is filled with lots of music, sports, and good food. D. Jay grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, and in the Southern Philippines. Utilizing his multicultural background and theological training, he has a passion for building bridges between various cultures and groups, both inside and outside the church. D. Jay is also passionate about helping equip Christians to navigate difficult contemporary cultural issues—like partisan politics.

The Podcast

This seven-episode series, featuring selected Before the Booth authors, helps Christians find their true North. Episodes Released twice a month through Summer 2024.

The Quiet Reformation Podcast is available on Apple and Spotify with YouTube links below.

Introducing Before the Booth

This collaborative series aims to align the soul of the Church with the heart of Jesus during politically divisive times. [podcast release: 5-28-24]


With Josh Park - Today, as I’m sure you are aware, we live in a world that is divided. It is a world of us versus them. Each election year, that division seems to grow wider and wider. Division isn’t a new problem, it is a problem as old as the garden of Eden when mankind was divided from God because of our sin. [podcast release: 6-11-24]

(Not) Losing Your Mind

With Joe Terreri - I have a second-place medal lying around somewhere at home collecting dust. Celebrating a second-place finish always feels silly to me. “You almost did it… but not quite.” I tend to agree with the adage that second place is the first loser. I don’t think there is a Christian around who wants Jesus to be in second place. [podcast release: 6-25-24]

Take Jesus Out of the Box

With Terrance Paul - We should be guided by biblical principles and the leading of the Holy Spirit rather than blind loyalty to one party. We ought to be open to dialogue and respectful engagement with those with different views, seeking to find common ground and work towards the common good. [podcast release: 7-9-24]

Internet Villians

With Jesse Hoffman - Name Calling, logical fallacies, and immoral arguments often occur in online debates, but that doesn’t stop many of us from diving headfirst into the flames of the comment sections, thinking we can single-handedly vanquish our “opponents” arguments. [podcast release: 7-23-24]

Vote for Someone
Besides Yourself

With Daisy Cocar - As a daughter of immigrants and as a Christian, I have witnessed firsthand how political divisions can seep into faith communities, distracting us from our core mission. [podcast release: 8-6-24]

Everyone Has a Reason

With Justin Valentine - Don’t you believe that your unsaved friends love their children too? Don’t you think that your Muslim friends want an opportunity for their sons and daughters to flourish and prosper as well? Even an atheist would like to drink clean water and live in peace. Don’t you desire these same things? [podcast release: 8-20-24]

hand drawn compass and tree graphics courtesy of shannon vining