...to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God...
One Church Equipping
Using Netzer’s Understanding God’s Design for the Church curriculum, One Church Equipping is an opportunity for Christ-centered, mission-focused, prayer-propelled church leaders from a regional area to come together for holistic development.
ROBUST REFLECTIONS – diving into powerful, relevant, biblical content focused on both theology and praxis, particularly regarding the design and function of the Church in this cultural moment.
MUTUAL EQUIPPING – rich table discussions with a diverse but grounded group of leaders.
HEARTFELT COMMON PRAYER – passionate worship and faith filled prayer for revival of hearts, re-formation of the Church, salvation of the lost, and the common good of the region.
STRATEGIC RELATIONSHIPS – establishing partnerships across the body of Christ for the sake of the gospel mission in southeastern Pennsylvania.
EXPANDED TOOLBOX - receiving curriculum and strategy to deepen the understanding, commitment, and unity of those we lead.
Check out the intro video of the curriculum below
and email CONNECT@NETZER.ORG to find out more.
Our Equipping Ministry
We teach to build up and secure the Church in God's Word, helping to cultivate generational change that lasts beyond any one experience. We serve congregations in teaching ministry at Sunday worship services, leader gatherings, retreats, and conferences.
We seek to lend and develop spiritually listening ears as we discern together God's will alongside of leadership teams. We provide informed, outside perspective through our Spiritual Health & Direction Assessments to churches and ministries in seasons of organizational introspection and transition.
We serve the Church with mentoring that is based primarily in relationship, prayer, and discipleship. We connect pastors with supportive, ministry-tested mentors to coach them on their journey.
We believe that connection to the regional church is vital to the health of any congregation. In addition to helping to build trust between churches and leaders, we also offer congregational oversight through our network of regional leaders as a relational support to care for local churches and their shepherds.
We desire to minister person-to-person when there are places of conflict, praying and listening to God's wisdom in each situation for the purpose of reconciliation. We come alongside churches and leaders in moments of crisis and brokenness to assist in bringing about wholeness in the Body of Christ.
We help strengthen the relationships between intercessors, pastors, and congregations for the health of both the local and regional church. We work to create a culture and community of honor for those uniquely gifted in intercessory prayer, as well as equip and empower God's people in prayer.