Multiplication by Addition
Last month, you read how the Church can sometimes be more effective for the Kingdom by reducing its number. Today, let’s look from a different perspective as I contradict myself…
When Hurricane Ida came through a year ago, it caused devastating floods. A couple of local churches responded immediately by setting up a food truck and offering free meals. We got to know some of the people affected by the floods and asked them how else we could help. That grew into something none of us anticipated or were ready for. The number of people who needed help and the extent of help that was needed was staggering.
Thankfully there were other local churches also eager to assist. At first, many were doing what they could on their own. But after the chaos of the first week subsided, we were able to get everyone on a Zoom call with the County in order to get organized. That was when we could really appreciate how much the Church had already done, and was about to do.
To summarize, there were about 130 families who needed ongoing support. The County shared the list of families with the local churches, and we were able to “adopt” each family—committing to walk alongside them while they needed rides, made calls, looked for housing, bought clothing, and most of all needed friendship.
The point is that the local churches were all working together in this. We were able to support and encourage one another as we walked similar paths with those we were serving. We collaborated when it made sense; we served independently when that was what best suited the situation. There were many denominations at the table, and that was OK! Finer points of doctrine didn't separate us from the Lord, the wider body of Christ, or the people who we served—we were the body of Christ loving our community.
This would not have been possible with only 1 or 2 local churches doing the work. We needed 10 or 11 churches to chip in. This took the trust and courage and unselfishness of local congregations to come together for the sake of the gospel, the furthering of the kingdom and the glory of Christ. This is the alternative angle to my last article. Sometimes the Church IS more effective by adding to our numbers. That’s what makes it so beautiful—there’s not a set formula between numbers and effectiveness. Effectiveness is measured by obedience to and glory for the LORD. This is found when we are led by the Holy Spirit to know what God is calling us to.
During that unique time of need in our community it was individuals with no experience, expertise, or qualifications in disaster relief who helped. They simply had a heart to love and serve others, and they showed up when the Lord called and when it mattered. Does that describe you? There is a need for numbers, for each of us, to show up. You are the Church. And you are needed!